Logistics Technology Solutions
Drawing on cutting-edge technological innovations, we are committed to providing efficient and reliable technical solutions through technologies such as artificial intelligence, automation systems, and data-driven technologies, assisting customers in achieving comprehensive cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
AMR Smart Fulfillment Center
GOODCANG AMR Smart Fulfillment Center is equipped with three advanced technologies: AMR handling robots, goods-to-person sorting workstations, and WMS Smart Fulfillment Center Management System. Since 2021, these centers have been operational in key markets including the Eastern and Western United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
The integration of intelligent robots, automated navigation systems, and high-density storage technology allows us to offer automated goods-to-person handling, dense storage, and flexible capacity. This supports our ability to deliver fully digitized , intelligent, and precise services, significantly enhancing production efficiency and quality while reducing costs and energy consumption. With over a million square feet in operation scope, our large-scale digital production capabilities lead the industry, paving the way for a future of more efficient, intelligent, and sustainable operation methods.
Services Overview
Smart Fulfillment Center Covering an Area
Mobile Robot with a Load Capacity
Labor Efficiency Increased
Order Accuracy Rate
Storage Capacity Utilization Increased
Daily Average Order Processing Volume Exceeds
Service Process
Service Advantages
Increased Picking Efficiency: 450 Items per Hour
Product manual searching to automated retrieval, eliminating the need for personnel movement, reducing labor intensity, and enhancing shelving and outbound efficiency.
Enhanced Operational Flexibility: 24-Hour Operation
24-hour robot operation includes nighttime automatic inventory management, flexible handling of orders and stock, and enhanced efficiency for next-day dispatches.
Enhanced Inventory Accuracy
The AMR storage area is individually enclosed, with electronic tags aiding in the picking process, reducing human intervention and decreasing the rate of operational errors.
Enhanced Stability in Cost Control
Manual labor costs are highly variable; however, the introduction of robotics stabilizes and controls operational costs while minimizing external disruptions.
Product Display
Mobile Robot
CTU Bin Robot
Storage Rack
Why Choose Us? Here’s What They Said
Customer G, an international export brand
Zongteng‘s smart warehouse greatly helps us save on labor and space costs, optimizes efficiency, and swiftly meets peak season demands, enabling us to deliver goods to customers worldwide promptly.
Global Cross-Border Logistics Control Tower
In order to realize the full-chain informatization, digitization, and visualization of the supply chain, YunExpress has independently developed a global cross-border logistics control tower. This initiative aims to drive collaboration across the entire chain of operations, enabling real-time tracking of package logistics in both regular and abnormal flows. This provides customers with an end-to-end, visual, alert-enabled, collaborative, and analytically-driven closed-loop service. It significantly optimizes the customer fulfillment service experience and enhances operational efficiency.
Service Highlights
Early Warning
Based on network planning, including shifts and routing, we provide relatively real-time data to enable proactive scheduling of manpower, transportation capacity, and site arrangements before the operational process.
Control During the Process
We offer port and warehouse managers, as well as frontline operators, relatively real-time management tools to provide timely warnings and guidance during the operation process.
Achieve automatic collaboration in case of exceptions, ensuring that exceptions are closed-loop.
Digital Smart Supply Chain
Integrating algorithms and inventory digitization, we provide support for overseas fulfillment center operations based on customer stocking and sales, helping to develop more effective product storage and outbound delivery strategies. This supports lean logistics operations, enhancing inventory turnover efficiency. Utilizing big data prediction technology, we offer customers systematic and comprehensive services.
Service Highlights
Intelligent Warehousing Services
We support flexible warehousing in multiple locations for our clients, reducing cross-regional fulfillment and aiding in cost reduction and speed enhancement.
Customized Warehousing
We assist customers in tailoring warehousing services based on their business scenarios, historical sales, and future plans to match their needs.
Flexible Return Handling
We facilitate swift returns and exchanges from nearby locations, ensuring rapid restocking for resale, thereby helping customers achieve faster turnover.
Schedule real-time demonstrations with our product experts at your convenience to receive personalized solutions!
Cooperative Consultation

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